The Importance of Arriving Early

Arriving early, whether it be to a meeting, appointment or just fun plans with friends, has many benefits. It highlights your reliability and thoughtfulness, allows time for any last-minute changes or hiccups, and makes you look professional, among other perks. Check out more great reasons to arrive early for your next meeting or presentation:

It Can Give You a Leg Up

When you make it to your appointment early, you have unique advantages. You can scope out your meeting space or strike up friendly conversations with receptionists or co-workers who happen to be there before your appointment. “Just one or two comments or observations can yield rich information that can help you in your upcoming presentation,” says Terry Brock, Contributing Writer with the Milwaukee Business Journal. “This can also apply to observing the surroundings and noticing important, but overlooked details, that can add value to your performance at the meeting.”

It Leaves Time for Reviews and Final Changes

Arriving early gives you ample time to think forward to your meeting and make any last-minute mental notes that pop into your head. You can also review and rehearse the solid points of your presentation as well as your introduction. Knowing precisely how you’re going to start the conversation enables you to look into the eyes of your audience as you begin (not at notes or a slide). This will help you take charge of the meeting and appear comfortable, relaxed and in control.

It Decreases Stress

If you’re stressed about your presentation, getting there ahead of time can help decrease that stress in several ways. When you leave early, you don’t have to worry about hitting traffic or other travel-related incidents. It gives you the flexibility to deal with the unexpected. It also allows you time to build your self-confidence before a presentation and can even give you the opportunity to focus and take some deep breaths before you walk in the door.

Consider these benefits before you leave for your next meeting, and give yourself the gift of extra time! Even just 10 extra minutes can save you from any unexpected hitches and make a solid first impression as an entrepreneur.

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